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Dave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #19, Fairey Fulmar Mk 1 by Skyediamonds1985. Viewed 903 times.
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Skyediamonds198515-Jun-17 14:47
Leading edge flaps on right wing to F-100
Skyediamonds15-Jun-17 21:22
Heywoood: got lots of interior shots of a "typical" (if that word could ever apply to the Hun) F-100 including close ups of side panels, control column, gun sight & more. Will be more than happy to post or send email direct. Just let me know. I sincerely thank you for putting BOYD on "hold" at the library. The really delves into several topics. You won't be disappointed (I read it 3 times).
heywooood15-Jun-17 22:49
These pictures are great! Too good maybe as they're going to depict all the shortcuts I am taking lol... My cockpit is already making me wish that not only had I not cut the canopy - but that I substituted a painted wooden one.. Might still do that anyways.
David Duckett16-Jun-17 10:31
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