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Guillows Series 200 - SE5a by Skyediamonds1985. Viewed 1054 times.
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Skyediamonds198514-Nov-16 19:21
meku15-Nov-16 02:32
A lot of good work, congratulations also perseverance, passion.
poppy15-Nov-16 04:31
Incredible details!! Beautiful model. Extreme patience! A true museum piece!! Please post a full pic of model.
John M Oshust15-Nov-16 05:42
A wonderful rendition of a complex aero plane. Bravo!
rayl15-Nov-16 07:24
Truly a finely detailed masterpiece. The bar has been raised just a little higher. Thanks for sharing this with all of us at the VA.
Don C15-Nov-16 13:33
Absolutely amazing. To borrow a phrase, JFB!
Huey V7716-Nov-16 06:35
Beautiful, only thing missing are bugs and engine oil. Very nice!
Anders16-Nov-16 09:58
This is just the best model ever! Hope you post pictures from all sides, and maybe a outdoors pic or many! Cant get enough of this
FireBird16-Nov-16 10:28
One of the best models I have ever seen. This is a masterpiece. How many hours did it take to build this model and what is your next project?
Skyediamonds198516-Nov-16 14:16
Fire: count months, not hours or days. Just one of those things where patience and perseverance was the key. Each detail, from real stitching along the fuselage to the scratching out the machine guns were projects unto themselves. You only need to go thru my previous postings to see how each item was thought out, my reasons for the approach that was taken and then fabricated. Next project will (hopefully) be a Boeing F4B-4. Thank you very much!! I hope this helps your projects. Don C, and Rayl, rgood, Huey, John, Poppy, you guys really know how to detail and your compliments are greatly appreciated.
biplane guy18-Nov-16 14:11
It's been very instructional watching this come together. I've learned a lot. Great job Sky! If Guillow is still doing the Model of the Month thing this should be it for sure. Thanks for sharing.
TJH18-Nov-16 15:33
Definitely museum quality!
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