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Guillows Series 300 - Fiesler Storch by SteveM. Viewed 889 times.
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SteveM28-Jan-12 13:16
Covered dry with medium weight silkspan and UHU glue stick then shrunk with a mist of water. I thought about covering the cowl wet, but decided instead to go bare wood with many coats of dope to seal and smooth it.
David Duckett28-Jan-12 13:40
So nice!
jerry campbell28-Jan-12 13:59
Looking real good, Really nice papering
poppy28-Jan-12 15:30
Beautiful work!
SteveM28-Jan-12 22:16
Thanks fellas, I won't tell you where to find the wrinkles.
lukebozek129-Jan-12 08:36
We all know where the faults are, but this is a great job.
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