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Guillows Series 300 - Fiesler Storch by SteveM. Viewed 1070 times.
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Image Comments
SteveM20-Feb-12 10:33
The green came out a bit darker than what I had in mind initially, but I think it'll do just fine.
TJH20-Feb-12 11:27
Your assistant looks tired from all of the work!
jerry campbell20-Feb-12 12:16
It's looking good, the landing gear gave me fits. I usually lighten most colors by adding 25% white. Among the plastic people there is a whole regime about lightening paint.
David Duckett21-Feb-12 07:35
For good reason!
lukebozek122-Feb-12 04:42
This is one cute pup! What is it?
SteveM23-Feb-12 07:22
I have it too light at one point then overcompensated when darkening and decided to leave well enough alone as I have some books that show a color like this being used. She's a Bullmastiff puppy, 9 weeks old tomorrow.
BillParker23-Feb-12 08:58
That's going to be a bunch 'o' dawg... Nice plane too, btw... *G*
poppy24-Sep-12 09:28
Great looking model, and a super cute puppy. From your latest post, he has grown quite a bit.
SteveM24-Sep-12 09:35
Thanks Poppy. Most of the time she was gaining 1/2 lbs. per day. She may still be gaining that much as she eats 6 cups a day, but weighing her frequently isn't as easy as it used to be.
David Duckett24-Sep-12 10:43
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