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Dumas Kit #227, Waco YMF-5 by jfinn. Viewed 995 times.
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jfinn17-Nov-10 23:39
I try to sand off some of the burnt edges. The Chopper is very helpful. Thank you Mr. Ducket. Jimmy.
Dale141603-Apr-11 23:12
How is your WACO model coming Jfinn?
jfinn04-Apr-11 23:01
Hello Dale1416. I have been really busy with school and Karate so I only have the wings nearly completed. I really want to build more but I always seem to want to start too late at night. I really like your WACO. It came out very nice. Jimmy.
John M Oshust04-Apr-11 23:07
Gee Jimmy you posted this comment a little late for a school night. A youngster needs a good night's sleep!
pfinn04-Apr-11 23:22
He's in bed now. It's 9 p.m. here! Jimmy's Dad ;o)
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