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Guillows Series 500 - Spitfire by lukebozek1. Viewed 1184 times.
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lukebozek117-Feb-11 18:41
For some reason the canopy looked like it was polished in a gravel pit. The plastics in this kit were all decent except for that.
stvtptn17-Feb-11 19:57
NICE SPITFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!Now you need to put a five blade prop on her luke-Excellent!
lukebozek117-Feb-11 21:36
And I need to add a few other things too. Panel lines, wheels detachable maybe, and oh what happened to the windows behind the canopy. I used flat black and Navy Grey another flat, but the Pledge (Formerly known as Future) acrylic shines it right up. I think Mr. Duckett said that he uses white more than any other color and just adds bits to get the desired shade. I did that for the sky blue on the underside, it came out perfect.
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