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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 3387 times.
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John M Oshust26-Apr-08 12:13
The one second from the right was my first, 50 years agao when I was 12.
OLD A&P26-Apr-08 15:13
John, Me and you are the same age. 1945 must have been a good year for Johns
JohnG.26-Apr-08 16:30
Not so friggin fast....1933 was a darn good year as well. JGJ
John M Oshust26-Apr-08 17:50
Thanks ...I am a 46 version.Making planes is easy after making Ukie eggs!
Abby Marie26-Apr-08 18:20
JohnG. So right there. 1933 was a great year, but my old bones feel a lil poopped out lately.
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