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Scratch Built AT-6 Texan by menu jr. Viewed 749 times.
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menu jr10-Feb-10 17:04
lot more detail's to do..If it would ever stop snowing to much time plowing snow and not plane building..
stirling10-Feb-10 17:05
menu jr10-Feb-10 17:34
Lot's of sand paper and skin off of my finger's lol
Jedi11-Feb-10 03:10
Smooth as silk MJ......
John M Oshust11-Feb-10 04:21
You must have put a good deal of effort into smoothing the surfaces...nice job.
TJH11-Feb-10 04:30
Very nice work!
menu jr11-Feb-10 15:50
Yes I sanded so much the end's of my finger's cracked open.Alot of this plane is scratch built had to do alot of shaping with bondo thank's for all the comment's
FLYBOYZ11-Feb-10 16:23
BillParker12-Feb-10 10:59
Man... I hope this Elmer's wood filler on my Sukhoi ain't as mean as that Bondo... I'll have to light a fire...
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