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Scratch Built AT-6 Texan by menu jr. Viewed 819 times.
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menu jr14-Feb-10 17:13
BillParker14-Feb-10 18:38
Would someone PLEASE do a checkerboard "howto?"
stirling14-Feb-10 22:46
This is turning out be be an absolute stunner. Well done.
TJH15-Feb-10 02:52
Very nice work! I like the "mascot" on the side!
Luke War15-Feb-10 08:32
Very slick sir!
menu jr15-Feb-10 14:24
Sorry bill I just wing it when it come's to checker's LOL.. Take's alot of time and hard on my eye's but I like the effect.I'am sure there is a proper way of doing it but this is the only way I know how . Thank's for all the kind word's having alot of fun on the build..
John M Oshust15-Feb-10 17:20
And I have been thinking that you just bought checkered paint!!!
menu jr15-Feb-10 17:27
Checkered paint what an idea ! I could be rich!
Roring4015-Feb-10 18:59
Thats looks great menu, betetr than great in fact. Bill, checkers are a pain in the bottom to do, endless masking and very easy to make a complete balls up - if you want to preserve your sanity don't do it !
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