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Scratch Built Albatros D.V by SteveM. Viewed 931 times.
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SteveM28-Nov-07 12:34
Fuselage covered with 00 silkspan. Silkspan continues to amaze me with how easy it is to work with and is fairly forgiving.
poppy28-Nov-07 15:57
Perfect covering! Are you going to simulate the wood covering with acrylics?
SteveM28-Nov-07 16:02
Yes, part of the fuselage is typically left unpainted in the pictures that I have seen. It should be quite fun to paint a wood texture onto silkspan.
poppy28-Nov-07 16:24
I am betting you can do it. This is looking really good!
Barnstormer28-Nov-07 19:33
The simulated wood covering will be the perfect compliment to this great looking build.
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