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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 888 times.
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John M Oshust30-Mar-08 21:45
A second coat tomorrow but "Me Thinks" I can live with this. Your opinions please!
poppy30-Mar-08 21:49
, it looks like it could get lost in a snowy forest to me!
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 21:51
Thank you model think that a few days past she was destined for the wood burner!
sweetwillie30-Mar-08 21:51
She's a beauty, Huh, Poppy.
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 21:54
poppy...Ben Moore paints. Go to a hardware store. They sell a hundred different colors of small sample bottles. Semi gloss, great colors, great paint, larger and cheaper by volume than model paint!
poppy30-Mar-08 21:56
A beauty she is. Took some lessons from DD. Different paints, same results. Those exhausts look like they could spit flames any minute.
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 21:57
poppy...What can you tell me about exhaust wash? I think she needs some soot!
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 21:58
poppy...What can you tell me about exhaust wash? I think she needs some soot!
Barnstormer30-Mar-08 22:02
WAIT A SECOND!!! I dont see anything!!!!!! OH Its such a great camo job it just blends in. Ok now I see it, if it wasn't for the exhust pipes I think I would have missed this post. Super job John.
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 22:04
The basic winter camo grill and tractor pattern with a large caliber weapon included. Never did this before and this was the greatest afternoon!!!
poppy30-Mar-08 22:09
I use charcoal or gray pastel sticks. Shave a bit off the end of stick, grind it fine, wet a small brush, get it almost dry, dip in dust and brush it on. If you don't like it, wipe it off with a wet rag and do it again. I usually seal my models with a clear coat, so this is the last thing I do before sealing. Try not to touch it or it will smudge and let it dry well b-4 sealing.. Use same sticks to weather if you wish, some add ochre and brown to imitate mud and dust. Now you do not have to seal but using pastels eliminates any touching in those areas if you don't.
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 22:16
poppy...Computed and understood, I think in the last stage, I will give it a go!
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 22:20
No Russkie flight team would spend as much time on a plane as I me I have lived there.
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