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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 1102 times.
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John M Oshust07-Apr-08 17:56
As requested by my mentor....the Rat and I!
JohnG.07-Apr-08 18:16
WOOOWIE!!! Takes two hands to handle a whooper!!! Great piece of modeling , John.
John M Oshust07-Apr-08 18:17
No cheese! JJ...did you get the roof pic?
poppy07-Apr-08 19:14
John M Oshust07-Apr-08 19:30
OOps! I hope my fly is closed!!!
moostang5108-Apr-08 03:29
Great pic O-man. All that work resulted in a fab build. Congrats.
wingspanner08-Apr-08 14:41
Looks Great! It you hang that baby from the ceiling you'll not be able to see the tv!!!
John M Oshust08-Apr-08 15:13
No problemo...a high, very high ceiling at my cabin in PA. The Corsair...she may be a problem!
Xanadu08-Apr-08 18:30
Totally awesome............great job!
Barnstormer08-Apr-08 19:14
Thats a great looking Rat, the airplane is pretty nice too. All in fun John, your abillities seem to be endless, to scratch build this plane and use such ingenuity through all the process is a quality I hope to someday achieve. JFB is all I can say.
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