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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 3325 times.
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Image Comments
John M Oshust10-Apr-08 18:10
Sorry about bothering you all with pictures. On the Corsair I will post a beginning, middle , and end.
SteveM10-Apr-08 18:18
We like the pictures, please "bother" me as much as you like.
poppy10-Apr-08 18:35
Yes, we do like the build pics. Post as much as you like. A gorgeous model!!!
Barnstormer10-Apr-08 18:43
Yes another beautiful work to add to the Oshustonian Institute.
RodN10-Apr-08 18:49
Great model John! Another scratchbuilt masterpiece. Keep em coming.
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