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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 893 times.
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John M Oshust06-Apr-08 14:55
The ventral surface is completed. I await nice weather for final pictures. James I guess the program did not work properly as I do not see what you mentioned!
John M Oshust06-Apr-08 15:10
James...I re-booted my machine but nothing new happens. Like SteveM I guess I will live W/O it!
John M Oshust06-Apr-08 15:16
The piclens site states my machine has the program in working order but the pictures on VA appear as they always have.
sweetwillie06-Apr-08 15:31
I like the belly bomb. Was this a dive bomber or fighter?
John M Oshust06-Apr-08 16:05
Fighter...I saw a picture with a bomb....thought I would make one from scrap wood left over from the Gooose. You have tomato flowers...I daffodils!
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