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Airsail Pilatus PC9 by RodN. Viewed 1005 times.
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Image Comments
RodN13-Mar-08 03:36
So far so good. When completed I can secure the canopy and paint.
David Duckett13-Mar-08 07:35
jerry campbell13-Mar-08 09:05
Simpley gorgeous, I'm striving to ge to this level.
sweetwillie13-Mar-08 11:14
poppy13-Mar-08 12:12
As good as it gets!! Fantastic!
John M Oshust13-Mar-08 13:50
That's the spirit...two sets of muffler bearing cut off switches!!
Barnstormer13-Mar-08 17:34
Thats just amazeing work Rod, beautiful job.
moostang5114-Mar-08 05:42
Excellent. Almost seems a shame to put the canopy on.
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