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Scratch Built Vultee BT-13 by Don C. Viewed 383 times.
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Image Comments
Don C22-Nov-21 16:15
Finally finished all control surface actuatios and main gear
BriandKilby22-Nov-21 16:26
looks good don! the detail is so good i can't tell if it's balsa or plastic?
frwflyer22-Nov-21 17:13
Love that detail work,, VERY VERY NICE!!
bsadonkill22-Nov-21 23:10
Yes, it actually looks like it was molded plastic. Very smooth lots of detail. A lot of time spent, nice job!
biplane guy23-Nov-21 11:16
Yes, details and finish are excellent!
Don C23-Nov-21 22:23
Thanks guys. Always looks better from a distance.
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