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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 870 times.
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John M Oshust26-Mar-08 20:12
I have pulled some rabbits out of the hat this past year. I have a bad feeling that I have ran out of rabbits.The measuring stick says it is OK and so does me eyeballs...But! I have already punched a hole thru the lower right it will need men
John M Oshust26-Mar-08 20:14
need for me! I used balsa...never again... bass is a bit harder to work with but is much stronger.
sweetwillie26-Mar-08 20:26
Too bad, John, but it ain't no step for a stepper!
poppy26-Mar-08 21:08
Wait until you tackle the Corsair.
John M Oshust26-Mar-08 21:47
poppy....I have always had a love for that plane. Hopefully the things I have learned in the past three builds will make it a pleasant experience. the vacation plane the Dumas Gee Bee Z or tackle the monster Corsair. I love the anhedral and dihedral and the cowling makes me want to "scratch!!
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