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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 858 times.
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John M Oshust03-Apr-08 19:23
The first decal...waiting for more ordered decal sheets to complete the rest.
John M Oshust03-Apr-08 23:14
DD....Bolshoi thanks...big thanks. I have been reluctant to paint planes with a brush...fiber brush, that is, but from now on...though the Corsair may need a roller!
John M Oshust03-Apr-08 23:20
DD..You know that is exactly what I feel this hooby is...something for every one. For me, sculpting and painting, and micro engineering! I love this Rat. When I think of the wood...the trip to buy supplies, the first construction...the errors. The POWER OF THE BRUSH!
John M Oshust03-Apr-08 23:29
The decal worked...but I painted over it with a BRUSH!
sweetwillie04-Apr-08 11:59
David, I was thinking exactly the same way, except I couldn't put it into words. Thanks from all of us, who couldn't put our thoughts into words; for doing it for us. Your eloquence is exceeded only by your artistic ability, and, John O. You too!!
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