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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 960 times.
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John M Oshust03-Apr-08 22:48
The translations...from lrft to right. favorite number, Emergency Equip Door, Commander Nicholas Cow...pilot. Fuel port...Vodka Here!
sweetwillie03-Apr-08 23:38
Boy the decals and detailing really make this model come alive. BRAVO!!
John M Oshust03-Apr-08 23:50
SW...The dunce that I am I finally realized that black decals could be printed trhough my B+W laser printer...saves time and is quality!
sweetwillie04-Apr-08 00:28
As the British say, Top Rate, ole chap!
JohnG.04-Apr-08 11:34
All the great comments here are well earned...DITTO!! I am personally impressed...considering you did not mask and used a brush...with the sharpness of the camouflage outlines. Super job, John.
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