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Guillows Series 200 - SE5a by Skyediamonds1985. Viewed 1064 times.
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Image Comments
Skyediamonds198526-Oct-16 18:48
Adding small curved tubing to the exhaust. Details and more details seem to pop up just when I thought there couldn't be any more.
heywooood27-May-18 23:22
this is such an amazing model - the louvers on the radiator just knock me out every time. Sky - I need to know where you came by all those fittings on your rigging. I want to do something similar on my upcoming Stearman. The covering fact - I'd like you to just go ahead and build my Stearman for me because I don't think I can come close to this level of detail if I live another hundred years
David Duckett28-May-18 08:06
Gary is in a league all his own:-)
heywooood28-May-18 10:16
boy howdy
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