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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 946 times.
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John M Oshust31-Mar-08 18:56
What may I ask, is a "Stand Off" scale plane???
poppy31-Mar-08 19:06
Just means not to true scale outline or planform. When you stand off a bit from it, or it's flying, it looks close enough to scale. However, with a bit of extra effort, you can build very close to scale.
wingspanner31-Mar-08 19:07
John, is that a peanut or walnut scale polikarpov in the background.......
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 19:12
Thanks poppy...and thanks for sending this via DD, me thinks it origianted from you. I promise to do her up right proper!!!
poppy31-Mar-08 19:12
JO, Steve is correct. It is still available as a Top Flite Gold Edition. This kit was purchased in 1986. It is also made in the giant scale kit.
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 19:26
poppy....Just scoped out some of the toys that I can buy to make this bird wife is going to love this bird. Seems like I am not going to have to scratch a cockpit!
poppy31-Mar-08 19:37
You can also get a scale engine and prop, which by now you probably know. Robart also makes scale retracts for main and tailwheels, along with the wheels, if you want to spend some bucks! Or, you can purchase scale fixed gear that install around the landing gear wire include in kit. I built a Top Flite P-51B, which was my last flying model, and had over $800 in it which included retracts, engine, and all the radio equipment needed.
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