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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 861 times.
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John M Oshust31-Mar-08 21:58
Still I am forgetting ailerons...sold bals to save time and work...need supplies.
sweetwillie31-Mar-08 21:59
What a beauty!
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 22:01
Greater typing skills and less Uncle Carlo....solid balsa...that is.
sweetwillie31-Mar-08 22:05
I've got a problem that maybe someone can help me with. I bought an air compressor 3 months ago to learn how to use an airbrush. It didn't have a regulator, so I bought one on the internet. I hooked it up and turned my compressor on and, no matter, which way I turned the adjustment, the pressure kept going up. I called the seller, and he immediately refunded my money and I bought another one. I hooked it up and the same results. I then noticed that I had hooked it up backwards. So I hooked it up the right way, but still the same results. Today I bought another, made sure I hooked it up correctly, but the same results. No matter which way I turn the adjustment or how much I turn it, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
SteveM31-Mar-08 22:22
Fantastic plane John, it inspires me to build static models with as much care and detail as you have done on all your models. Though I think I'll stick to a smaller scale for now.
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 22:27
SteveM...And I am getting the urge to build one to fly. poppy's when not if statement is profound. I guess when I total up what went in to some of my planes I could purchase one ready to fly or alomost ready to fly. Then when I wreck it the pain will only be in my pocket!
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 22:33
Scale...I have seen some beautious peanut scale planes. Me, I can't work or see things that small. As A kid I always wanted to build big planes and now I can. I have the space to display them. Before I check out, a friend of mine , who has a license to fly, wants to be partners in a real one. He wants to build it together!
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 23:05
DD....SMOOOOCH!!! Yes you and poppy have turned me into this...thanks. Wait till you see the Corsair!
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 23:07
The power of the artists brush.....we don't need no stinking sprays!
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