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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 964 times.
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Image Comments
John M Oshust01-Apr-08 21:09
A view from the feathers!
sweetwillie01-Apr-08 21:33
Excellent job. You outdid yourself. A real work of art for your growing museum.
JohnG.02-Apr-08 08:44
One should NEVER forget the pitot tube...essential detail.
Barnstormer02-Apr-08 21:31
Looking excellent John, the panel lines and rivets look great. The camo paint is superb, great idea to use house paint! very resourceful.
John M Oshust02-Apr-08 22:42
"Tanks!" Barnstormer...I appreciate it.
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