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Scratch Built Vultee BT-13 by Don C. Viewed 529 times.
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Don C30-Dec-20 12:46
Bottom is original plan, top is from a 3 way I found and Poppy's .Bth shape and airfoil are quite different.
frwflyer30-Dec-20 19:10
The top plan is an enlarged 1/32 scale Air Corps Ace solid display model kit. I used it to build that BT 13 model for Poppy. His request was to make the model "paint ready". All cross sections are scale as are the outlines. The bottom plan is for a rubber band flying model and adjustments made for that model to fly
Don C31-Dec-20 11:50
That is correct. I found one other 3 way drawing on which matches yours. I wanted to contact you, but you're not in the list of hangars, so with some fiddling around I was able to copy it from Poppy's build. I hope you're OK with that.
frwflyer31-Dec-20 12:31
I am honored that you can use it. I am also building a 1/12 scale model for the Santa Ana Air base museum in CA using the same plans, Do you need a set of plans? I can have the FEDEX folks make a copy.
David Duckett31-Dec-20 13:42
When Poppy passed away, his son gave many of his models to the Commemorative Air Force. His BT-13 is in one of their museums somewhere in Texas.
Don C31-Dec-20 14:56
Mr. Richards, thanks. I appreciate your offer. I was able to get the two pages from Poppy's build copied. If there isn't more than those two pages, I have it and think I can do it. I like the challenge of scratch building more each time I try it. Sure am open to any guidance, though. I am doing it at 1/24 scale.
frwflyer31-Dec-20 20:47
I think that the two pages were the total. 1/24 scale is the best scale to work. email at
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