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Dumas Kit #327, Navy AD-2 by David Duckett. Viewed 871 times.
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David Duckett13-Mar-11 06:18
Exhaust "ports" added to the left side. The right side has them. also.
moostang5113-Mar-11 06:34
Would the right side be exhaust "starboards"?
David Duckett13-Mar-11 08:08
No, they're ports, as well, and there are three, too. The cowl has been sanded to shape.
John M Oshust13-Mar-11 09:09
I get it...triple exhaust vents on the port side, just left of the air intake.
jerry campbell13-Mar-11 09:24
Would sure be nice if you showed how you carved these ports, showing the tool you used and how you used it. Great start to this project.
David Duckett13-Mar-11 12:26
By George, you've got it!
BriandKilby13-Mar-11 13:08
looks really promising, i'll have to get me one of those 30" skyraider's for a future build.
John M Oshust13-Mar-11 13:39
This , of course is true if looking from the posterior end of the plane. All is reversed if viewed from the anterior!
David Duckett13-Mar-11 13:45
That's why the technical terms, nose and tail, are used.
David Duckett13-Mar-11 13:50
Instead of bow and stern...
frwyflyer13-Mar-11 14:24
It's just plain VERY NICE WORK!!
John M Oshust13-Mar-11 16:17
Is the Can of peas on the top or dorsal side?
David Duckett13-Mar-11 16:23
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