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Scratch Built Gee Bee Model "Y" by Huey V77. Viewed 418 times.
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Huey V7719-May-17 15:07
Awaiting custome decals....
LASTWOODSMAN19-May-17 15:44
Love the shine and those big wheel pants!
David Duckett19-May-17 20:08
heywooood19-May-17 23:28
hey Huey - that looks splendid ! your cowling is especially crafty man.
Don C21-May-17 09:32
Very nice work. Prop and hub turned out well.
Don C21-May-17 09:54
Are you ordering decals from somewhere or making them? I'm going to need special ones for the F9f - white on navy blue.
Huey V7721-May-17 11:09
Don, I've found someone in western Ohio who makes custome decals. Expect them to show up next week. I'll let you know how they turn out. Could be a good contact.
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