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Guillows Series 400 - P-51 Mustang by crob. Viewed 799 times.
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crob06-Nov-21 11:49
I found this from Outerzone. Originally 13" wingspan, blown up to 1/16th scale to match the Precious Metal. Any tips, tricks, advice before starting on this endovor? I have a Diels Bearcat i thought about converting, but 100% sctrach would be cool too. Especially after seeing the canopy forming - i think i want to give it a shot.
Don C06-Nov-21 20:09
I think you'll enjoy a scratch build. More work than a kit, but more rewarding to me. I'll suggest that you make a couple more copies of the plans and going online and finding pictures and 3 way drawings of it if possible. That will help in case the plans are not quite scale.
edtherenderman08-Nov-21 10:04
I agree! Love to scratch build, but it is more work. I like to print the plans out on 8.5x11 label sheets and attach those directly to the balsa. Some people like to glue the drawing to the balsa. Whatever works. Also, I'd think about adding more formers. Going from 13" to something larger means larger gaps to fill. Just a thought.
biplane guy23-Nov-21 11:07
I have very limited experience with scratch-building, the WACO UPF-7 was my first attempt. I had the plans I found online scaled to the dimensions I needed and printed on velum which is semi-transparent and made positioning the plans over the balsa or basswood sheets easier. I could then insert some graphite paper between the plans and wood and then trace the part with a small embossing tool (tip about the size of a ballpoint pen). The tool didn't tear or ink over the plans and left clean lines on the wood.
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