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Guillows Series 500 - BF 109 by bbaumer. Viewed 1652 times.
Build Thread

Image Comments |
bbaumer | 07-Apr-08 12:24 | just got the 50/50 on, added a nice wrinkle to the leading edge :( |
John M Oshust | 07-Apr-08 14:40 | Nifty stuff, what is sculpty???Where do you get it? |
bbaumer | 07-Apr-08 17:45 | Sculpy is a synthetic oven baked clay, similar to Fimo. Most any crafty store has it, Hobby Lobby for sure. The best part is is somewhat machinable after you cook it. |
John M Oshust | 07-Apr-08 17:54 | Cook it...what do you mean?? |
bbaumer | 07-Apr-08 18:11 | you bake it in your oven at 175 degrees for 5 minutes per 1/4" of thickness or so |
bbaumer | 07-Apr-08 18:12 | actually, I just re-read, it's 275 for 15 minutes per 1/4" |
John M Oshust | 07-Apr-08 18:16 | Push into spinner, remove and it sandable? |
bbaumer | 07-Apr-08 18:21 | yes it is, I had to work the back edge pretty significantly to get it square. It is pretyt hard, but workable. I sprayed the vacuum formed with water as a mold release, it seemed to work really well, some learning curve getting it out without distorting it. You can see how smooth a standard drill bit bored the hole in the scoop. Also, thats a .a25 aluminum tub I inserted from the rear ( drilled after baking ) that also acts as a working shaft on the prop. |
bbaumer | 07-Apr-08 18:21 | yes it is, I had to work the back edge pretty significantly to get it square. It is pretyt hard, but workable. I sprayed the vacuum formed with water as a mold release, it seemed to work really well, some learning curve getting it out without distorting it. You can see how smooth a standard drill bit bored the hole in the scoop. Also, thats a .125 aluminum tube I inserted from the rear ( drilled after baking ) that also acts as a working shaft on the prop. |
bbaumer | 07-Apr-08 18:22 | I give up on editing :P |
John M Oshust | 07-Apr-08 18:23 | I am impressed. I will use this in the future. Seems like an easy way to cast parts from vacuformed plastic! This, me thinks ,is wonderful! |
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