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Guillows Series 200 - Rumpler C5 by edtherenderman. Viewed 439 times.
Build Thread
Image Comments |
edtherenderman | 19-Jul-21 13:44 | Been working slowly on the Rumpler. Summer is hard with all the outside activity and nice weather, but making progress. Here is a picture of almost all the 3D printed parts painted along with the fuse with completed infill and silk span. I got a new 3D printer a few months ago and am trying out some new filament called PolySmooth that you can smooth with Isopropyl Alcohol. Easier to print then ABS and don’t have to inhale Acetone for hours. The front combing, engine cowling and nose are done it that material. So far, so good. |
bsadonkill | 20-Jul-21 12:12 | Looks like you put in a lot of time on this, all the 3D printing. The detail as good as on any molded plastic kit. |
BriandKilby | 20-Jul-21 13:26 | looks good ed! could you make a plane from a solid block of 3d printing matter? sounds like it would be made from an atomic particles. lol. |
edtherenderman | 20-Jul-21 13:51 | @bsadonkill - Being both a plastic and balsa model builder, I've always like the detail you get with plastic, but like the ability to build unique aircraft that balsa provides. So best of both worlds to me.
@BriandKilby, I guess you could with a milling machine. But really, 3D printing is sort of that anyway, since I'm taking a 1.75mm thread of plastic on a spool, extruding it through a hot end, and building up the part layer by layer. So, transforming one shape into another. |
bobgood | 20-Jul-21 18:13 | Amazing! |
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