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Build Thread, Page : [ 1 ] (2 posts, 20 posts per page, 1 pages in total)
lukebozek1, Image # 3043814 Jan 14 07:53

Oh, the free Exacto knife isn't in that box anymore.
lukebozek1, Image # 3043714 Jan 14 07:52

I have six Comet kits that I will probably never buid.My E-Maill address in lukebozek@yahoo.com I believe these are in great shape, some might not have rust stained tissue. I'll let the six go cheap to a good home. If this is not allowed on this site, let me apologize right now and I will not darken the site with this again. Just cleaning lose ends up. Thanks
Build Thread, Page : [ 1 ] (2 posts, 20 posts per page, 1 pages in total)