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Guillows Series 500 - Hellcat by mlriley540. Viewed 1100 times.
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mlriley54016-Jul-16 22:36
My 5th major repair. I hit a upper level back yard deck and took a wing completely off (Pilot OK). Plane was actually flying well before the accident. I'm still experiemnting with the best amount of power. I was doing 400 winds last night.
Don C17-Jul-16 09:48
Your ground crew does impressive repair work. Pilot may need an optometrist?
biplane guy17-Jul-16 12:23
Now that's funny, Don! Sorry Riley, I think we have the same pilot. You should see my Pitts. A friend, after seeing mine, said "I see why they call it that." I guess someone saw yours coming and yelled "Hit the deck", so you did.
mlriley54017-Jul-16 21:35
I finished repairs and did 4 test flights tonight. Plane seems to be handling normally. I am using 5 loops of 1/16 inch which seems to be the right amount of power for a smooth (nice looking) flight. Should be ready to return to full activity.
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