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Guillows Series 800 - Sopwith Camel by Steve_in_NH. Viewed 852 times.
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Image Comments
Steve_in_NH10-Mar-09 10:09
Just getting an idea of what it will look ike.
jgood10-Mar-09 14:01
Ah, an essential part of the process for me. I think I spend more time 'mocking it up', and taking pictures of it, than actually building it... :)
John M Oshust10-Mar-09 14:05
I Concur with James...looks great thus far. The more times you fit dry the less margin for error.
moostang5110-Mar-09 18:13
Ditto to both these responses. Fit, fit, fit, then fit again. Only when you know it's right do you finally attach.
poppy10-Mar-09 19:24
I fully agree with above comments. A little patience goes a long way when model building.
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