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Guillows Series 800 - Sopwith Camel by Steve_in_NH. Viewed 2820 times.
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Image Comments
Steve_in_NH10-Apr-09 15:03
First attempt ar rigging. Used florist wire but still need to do some straightening.
John M Oshust10-Apr-09 16:12
This is an impossible task that I learned on my Camel. Use fine guage piano or music wire. I have used it for rigging on all my builds. I replaced the floral wire with music wire on my Camel.
poppy10-Apr-09 20:44
Fine stainless steel wire from the hobby shop, cut to length works for me. I used this on my PT-17 and have used on plastic kits also.
FLYBOYZ11-Apr-09 12:47
Love it!cool
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