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Molt Models Hellcat by SteveM. Viewed 9197 times.
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Image Comments
SteveM14-Feb-10 10:11
So far you guys haven't convinced me to move to TX or the east coast.
David Duckett14-Feb-10 13:24
Nor me. either. These are gorgeous. What are they?
Xanadu14-Feb-10 17:15
Look like a bunch of chandelier light bulbs...... Nice, what are they?
SteveM14-Feb-10 19:52
I don't know what they are, but if I can found out I'll let you all know.
jgood15-Feb-10 04:32
They look very much like the Snow Drops we'd see in England.
SteveM15-Feb-10 08:27
Yes, I believe you're right. They'd look much better if the sun was out and they were open, but they still bring a bit of cheer to the yard.
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