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ManzanoLaser Spad XIII by John M Oshust. Viewed 664 times.
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John M Oshust10-Oct-08 21:47
I did not like the dark blue...this is better.
Barnstormer10-Oct-08 22:37
I like the blue better too. The guns and the whole build is just excellent. The cockpit details are perfect. Amazeing work John.
John M Oshust10-Oct-08 23:38
Barney...Thanks a lot. Cudos from a master of WW1 bipes means a great deal.
poppy11-Oct-08 06:56
I agree. This is much better. The Spad is my favorite WW1 aircraft so I am following your build with much interest and envy!
moostang5111-Oct-08 15:30
Agree also. Realism.... what a concept. Very nice O-Man.
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