Image Comments |
PencilCricket | 08-Jan-13 21:25 |
Just seeing how the windscreen fits. There's a spar to go down the middle once I've tissued the top of the nose. Damned if I know how I'm going to glue that screen on though... |
John Cooper | 10-Jan-13 22:40 |
Carefully CA (with as little CA as possible) a thin strip of tissue around the edges of the windscreen and then wipe off any white CA residue with a piece of paper towel. Leave about about an 1/8 inch overhang of tissue. Now you can glue the screen on, tissue to tissue with carpenters glue for a strong connection. |
PencilCricket | 11-Jan-13 02:46 |
Brilliant, thanks for the tip! |
TJH | 11-Jan-13 06:45 |
Another option is the Pacer Canopy Glue. I used this on my Cherokee except I was a rookie with it then (you can see it on mine if you look close). This dries slower than CA but it is fairly easy to work with. |
lukebozek1 | 11-Jan-13 09:30 |
There is a white glue for canopies that works way better than anything else. It is called "Formula 100" or something like that. I use it to attach all plastic parts to anything! I would suggest that for simplicity and the fact that it does dry clear. The CA can leave you with a CA fog on the plastic I found out thru experience, bad lessons are not forgotten. |