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User Hangar

This is a feature which will allow you to see a quick overview of all your favourite models on one page. If you go and view your own aircraft images, you will see a new button at the top of the image labeled 'Make Default Image'. If you click on this, that image will become the default image for that aircraft. When you view your hangar on this screen, you will see all the default images for all your aircraft.

As an example, here are some other hangars :
aceshot, Anders, Barnstormer, bbaumer, BillParker, BriandKilby, bsadonkill, bsnider, calavera, cdwheatley, Ceherald, coop000, Dale1416, David Duckett, deckape, Dfell, dfrank47, dgreg, Don C, droid, Ed Clark, edbecky, edtherenderman, elevatoranj, emeiermodel, EvanJ, flash52, flexsphincter, Flyer37, flyguy172, Heinrich Dorfmann, heywooood, iseaalbert, jace314, Jedi, jernst, jerry campbell, jgood, jimbothehotdog, jkap5, John Cooper, John M Oshust, JohnG., julinick, Kyle, LASTWOODSMAN, Lindy, LoganB, lpc30, Luke War, marlinus64, Marshdweller, mattolson, mdmorgan37, meku, menu jr, mhempel, mikemolt, MMitch2782, ModelEngineer, moostang51, Mr.Huey, novice builder, OLD A&P, Pauli72, PencilCricket, peregrin, pfinn, poppy, ptritle, R.giyan, rayl, reuben199, rgood, rhysleo, RodN, Roring40, rr92zer, SamH, scigs30, scirocco14, simpleflyer, Sky9pilot, Skyediamonds1985, sqrllyWB, steed, SteveM, Steve_in_NH, stirling, Striamed1, strongeagle, sweendog, sweetwillie, thewonderfrog, TJH, TomCatFoolery, tonyroll, TWA1985, VP46, WhyNot, WIDDOG, wildmieze, wingspanner, Xanadu,

To view your own hangar, just click on the 'Your Hangar' menu item in the main menu. If you haven't set any 'default images' for your aircraft, the system will simply show all your images.

Virtual Aerodrome User Hangar For mdmorgan37
User Name : mdmorgan37
Full Name : GQDWBdMu 1
Location : 1
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