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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
BriandKilbyGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild14-May-21 14:33
Views : 613
bottom of bottom wing covered.
BriandKilbyGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild14-May-21 14:32
Views : 491
BriandKilbyGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild29-Apr-21 14:04
Views : 610
here you go don, wing tip thread.
BriandKilbyGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild29-Apr-21 14:03
Views : 661
center of wing thread.
BriandKilbyGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild27-Apr-21 16:14
Views : 583
wings done except for thread on top wing.
BriandKilbyGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild24-Apr-21 14:03
Views : 709
adding ribs.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
BriandKilbyGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild21-Apr-21 18:53
Views : 632
going to build this for a friend.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerParked25-Jan-16 20:54
Views : 3650
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerParked30-Jun-15 20:48
Views : 4356
There you have it. I might add I installed the engine cooling tubes just prior to installing the front elevator assembly.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild30-Jun-15 20:39
Views : 4249
With most of the rigging complete, the rear struts were finally installed and the rear portion of the rigging complete. I might add that the wing-warping rigging is confined to the two outer most rear struts only.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild30-Jun-15 20:32
Views : 3450
Its only after the wing-warping and internal rigging is complete, when the "outside" rigging is started. Note the fuel line being routed around the struts to the tank. Some pictures show the fuel line hanging off the leading edge, some pictures show it to be more tight. It was just an arbitrary decision on my part. Just seemed to "look right."
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild30-Jun-15 20:24
Views : 3201
With the wing-warping complete, now starting on the internal rigging (called longitudinal, according to the blue prints)
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