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Site News

Keep up to date with what's going on at VirtualAerodrome by checking this page.

The aerodrome currently has 39850 images of 2744 models. Thank you to everyone who has put their aircraft on here.

Quick Update!16 Dec 24 22:15
It's been 10 years since the last news entry!
Server Update09 May 14 14:00
An upgrade to the server has meant a number of problems were experienced today. Emergency updates to VA were made to keep things running along. Please let me know if you notice anything broken, and I'll do my best to fix them.
Small enhancement...18 Nov 10 22:25
The site will now convert http:// links that you paste into your comments, and make clickable links out of them. About time, I know! Just remember to keep a blank space before and after your link. Thanks for prompting me, Phil, Bill and David! And sorry Bill, it now filters any html placed into our previous posts, to make the site a little safer and more resilient to cross-site-scripting attacks.
New Server11 Sep 10 22:02
After over three years of running on my old Sony PC, at my condo in Miami, I've now moved the site to a hosting company in Houston, Texas. Please let me know if you see anything amiss, but in general the site should be faster now.
The first How To!19 Aug 09 22:48
Thanks to David Duckett, we now have our first real 'how to' online. This show's a technique for making wonderful carved blades for display quality propellers. Check it out.
How Tos 18 Jul 09 17:44
OK, we have a new section available on the main menu now - How Tos. Eventually, this will be an area where you can create guides to show how you do certain focused tasks. So, you'll be able to learn how to cover with tissue, build straight fuselages, balance you model, etc, from the many masters on this site.
Comment Editing / Deleting24 Feb 09 06:32
You can now edit and delete your own comments on images. The restriction on comment length on the first comment has also been removed; your first comment is now of unlimited length like the rest.

There is a new image category of 'Reference' when you upload your images; this is so you can separate out the pictures of your reference / build inspiration photos from your actual build photos. Click here to see the new category. Should be useful when searching for a reference picture you know you have seen...

Also, I've moved the statistics with the number of aircraft on the site to the top of this news page.
Ads?18 Feb 09 19:56
To all loyal VA users : I'm considering putting small, text adverts on the site here. Hoping to defray some of my Internet hosting costs. My plan was just to try it out, see if it brings anything in, and if not, to remove them again.
Piclens Support.06 Apr 08 18:12
Virtual Aerodrome now has support for Piclens. This allows you to view all the aircraft uploaded onto the site on a 3D wall. You can walk around the wall, and easily browse through many aircraft very quickly. It's quite an experience! Here's an example.
Server Upgrade.29 May 07 21:33
You may have noticed the site going down recently - my server is having a hard time, it seems, so I'm putting a new one together. Hopefully the migration process will be fairly smooth. Please bear with me, everyone.
Comments have been expanded.29 Jan 07 21:38
If you look on the left hand main menu, you can see there is a new 'Comments' page. This will allow you to browse and comment on the images on the site. It's work in progress at the moment, but should be finished soon!
Image Comments.31 Jul 06 21:07
You can now leave comments on any of the images on the VirtualAerodrome. You must be logged in to give the feature a go, so log in, and comment away.
Image Browsing.16 Apr 06 19:06
A new 'Browse Images' option has been added to the main menu. This lets you page through all the images added in a nice convenient way. Try it out!
Login.05 Apr 06 22:59
The system will now remember you if you login. This is in preparation for the e-mail update feature... So please login, and you'll start getting e-mail updates as new images are uploaded!
New Features!05 Apr 06 22:56
You can now page through all the recent images using the 'more' link at the bottom of the 'Recent Additions' box. I've also started work on the e-mail update messages, that you will be able to turn on if you so choose.
Added all the GWS and Guillows aircraft.04 Apr 06 07:45
The complete GWS and Guillows model catalogues have been added. Please feel free to add your models!
Forgotten your password?03 Apr 06 18:47
Finally, the 'Forgotten your password?' screen is working. So, if you can't remember your password, click that link on the login box to retrieve it.
New navigation menus.27 Mar 06 23:09
New navigation menus allow you to search through more aircraft, faster. We can also now expand our supported aircraft to a much larger amount.
Quick next/previous photo links added.05 Sep 05 00:00
You can now move easily through the images in a series with the next/prev buttons up the top.
Image deleting.30 Apr 05 09:56
The delete button works now, so if you're logged in, you can delete your own images.
Image order change.30 Apr 05 00:12
Latest images now shown at the top of the page...
Aircraft Information.23 Apr 05 11:21
There is now a link to the manufacturers/designers website on the aircraft page.
View Modes.16 Apr 05 09:01
There are now two main ways to browse models - by aircraft type (which has been the only way up to now), and by user. The 'By User' mode makes it easy to check out all the aircraft that a particular user has. It's not perfect yet, but works.
Image Categories.16 Apr 05 01:10
Thanks to a suggestion from Ian (Cathode) it now defaults to 'all' as an image category, so all the images can be seen at once.
Bug Fix.07 Apr 05 22:00
Larger images caused a problem when uploading. Now fixed.
Uploads!06 Apr 05 21:03
Over 100 images added today.
New feature : News added!05 Apr 05 22:27
VirtualAerodrome now has a news feature, telling you what's new with the site, and anything else that may be relevent.
Bit of a re-arrange.05 Apr 05 22:17
A quick re-arrange of the menus and main screen has made navigating through aircraft and users images a bit better. I hope!
Bug fix.04 Apr 05 10:00
Certain sized images were causing problems when uploading. Fixed.
New Feature : Aircraft editing.03 Apr 05 22:03
You can now use the settings page to assign aircraft to your collection. Once an aircraft is in your collection, you can upload images for it...
New Feature : Signup!03 Apr 05 21:34
New users can now create a login, and get a user account for