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Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows 1903 Wright Flyer | Build | 30-Jun-15 20:08 |  |
Views : 3403 |
This is the underside of the top wing. The wing warping rigging is complete. No other rigging is (yet) installed and lack of the remaining rear struts helps me to get my hands inside. |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows 1903 Wright Flyer | Build | 30-Jun-15 20:00 |  |
Views : 3257 |
Rigging wing-warping first. Home made pulley is near the strut small tubular beads were purchased at local arts & crafts store |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows 1903 Wright Flyer | Build | 30-Jun-15 19:56 |  |
Views : 3253 |
All the main accessories are in place. Held off installing the rear struts to allow room for my hands and tools. |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows 1903 Wright Flyer | Build | 30-Jun-15 19:50 |  |
Views : 3186 |
The left prop drive assembly is complete. This whole assembly is held in place by the main tube just glued to the engine axle and the other end to the prop mount. Pretty fragile set up. |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows 1903 Wright Flyer | Build | 30-Jun-15 19:42 |  |
Views : 3082 |
The assembly is complete. The main support is on top, the two tubes containing the drives chains are on the bottom supported by a small brace. |
Skyediamonds1985 | Guillows 1903 Wright Flyer | Build | 30-Jun-15 19:37 |  |
Views : 3145 |
Sorry guys. Goofed on the captioning. Assembling the main prop drives. On the original Flyer the main tube connects directly from the axle of the engine to the prop mounts. Here, I'm holding one of the additional tubes that will contain the drive chains. |