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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild26-Jun-15 22:55
Views : 1139
For the carburetor I used a soda straw and a small ring from (again) an arts & crafts store. The small ring serves as a "lip" to the top of the carburetor.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild26-Jun-15 22:53
Views : 1154
Using the small chains purchased at the arts & crafts store, glued the appropriate sized gears to small copper wiring used as a drive shaft
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild26-Jun-15 22:50
Views : 1069
While at the local hobby store, also purchased various sized plastic gears
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild26-Jun-15 22:47
Views : 1107
Just prior to gluing the cylinders I wrapped each with a thin slice of silkspan to give them a textured look. Also took a small 10mm (I think) dia, wire for the oil line. And used a couple of small slices of tape for the connection at the oil line as shown on the real engine.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild26-Jun-15 22:43
Views : 1057
Sorry about the confusion on classifying the aircraft. Still new at this posting. I purchased small springs from arts and crafts store and cut small sections of copper wire for each cylinder.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild26-Jun-15 22:41
Views : 1221
This is one of many photos I managed to obtain that left the engine in its natural metallic finish as opposed to painted black. I opted to take this route to show the detailing.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerParked26-Jun-15 00:22
Views : 1175
The Wright Bros. had the rigging interconnected such that the wing warping rigging from the pilot's cradle to the wings were also directed to a couple of bellcranks that connected to the rudder.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerParked25-Jun-15 19:10
Views : 1067
With the legs having the added depth and bottom tie down supports, the Wright engine is starting to really take shape
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild25-Jun-15 19:08
Views : 1021
Each leg was given its own "feet." These "feet" are used as supports to tie the engine down to the lower wing
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild25-Jun-15 19:03
Views : 1041
Each leg to the engine was given some added depth
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild25-Jun-15 19:01
Views : 1006
To help give the legs some added dimension, additional small pieces of plastic card were cut to size of each leg
Skyediamonds1985Guillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild25-Jun-15 18:58
Views : 995
The two plastic sides were then super glued to the sides of the engine block. We can see how the Wright engine is taking shape
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