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Guillows Series 800 - Sopwith Camel by Steve_in_NH. Viewed 3085 times.
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Image Comments
Steve_in_NH10-Apr-09 15:03
Difficult to get them tight enough.
bbaumer10-Apr-09 15:59
I find an excellent way to run rigging is to drill tiny holes in the spars ( with a pin), pull cording through ( I use the cord that came with the Wright flyer kit) hit one end with CA, pull tight through the second hole, then hit that with CA, I strung my entire Thomas Moore Scout with two strands doing it this way,
jgood10-Apr-09 16:50
I concur on using the least number of different strands, and drilling little holes with a pin. I used one strand of fishing line on my Tiger Moth.
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