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Scratch Built FFVS J 22 by mlriley540. Viewed 446 times.
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mlriley54025-May-17 20:56
mlriley54025-May-17 23:15
A great set of plans and an interesting and good looking plane. Going great so far, I have the wings and tail built.
Don C26-May-17 09:47
Swedish this time?
mlriley54027-May-17 00:35
Ja, det borde vara en rolig byggnad...
Don C27-May-17 11:36
Det tror jeg.
LASTWOODSMAN27-May-17 11:44
Vilken plan använder du och vad är artens på det "Basic Fighter" J22?
mlriley54027-May-17 13:44
It's a great plan, I did enlarge the tail surface about 15% to hopefully improve the flying characteristics. I did print the plan slightly larger than the advertised 1/25, it is more like 1/23 scale.
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