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Scratch Built Curtiss P6E by hjlittman. Viewed 1808 times.
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Image Comments
hjlittman28-Jul-10 11:13
Yes, cats are such a great help. You gotta love 'em!
stirling28-Jul-10 12:31
Looking for that dam mouse?
John M Oshust28-Jul-10 13:28
Yes they are wonders, but mine eats BALSA!!!
BriandKilby01-Aug-10 10:42
maybe you'll have to make a balsa scratching post, john.
hjlittman01-Aug-10 15:53
For those who haven't seen him before, this is my invaluable assistant, Schrodinger. He is three years old, weighs as much as a bowling ball, is unbelievably curious, and something of a bully with the other cats. He really does try to help, and has made the association between pushing keys and things happening on the screen. In fact, a week ago, he pushed a combination of function keys that bollixed up the drawing on the screen so badly that I had to start over. As I said, you've got to love them.
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