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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by mlriley540. Viewed 1158 times.
Build Thread

Image Comments |
mlriley540 | 07-Oct-18 23:06 | I started this over a year ago, hadn't worked on it since last November. worked on it all week, made good progress. Glide ratio is good. |
John M Oshust | 08-Oct-18 06:00 | замечательная работа! |
Don C | 08-Oct-18 10:02 | Good to see you back. |
John M Oshust | 08-Oct-18 13:32 | Thanks Don. Would you please refresh my 72 year old mind as to where I have been? |
BriandKilby | 08-Oct-18 19:02 | :) |
Don C | 09-Oct-18 10:42 | John, actually I was referring to miriley's Rata, but at 76 I have problems keeping track (according to my wife- but I'm perfectly happy with it), so I may not be the best one to help you. Going after Bambi this year? |
John M Oshust | 09-Oct-18 11:54 | Don. Yes sir, planning on the 31st deer/black bear camp. Willie and I leave the city on the Saturday after turkey day, return here two weeks later. I hope we have sufficient numbers of “walkers” available for the aging participants! |
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