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Guillows Series 800 - Douglas DC-3 by heywooood. Viewed 294 times.
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heywooood06-Feb-25 20:06
heywooood06-Feb-25 20:06
decals are from Callie Graphics
BriandKilby11-Feb-25 08:31
Very unique heywood, you use a gloss coat and works out ok, on the decals? I’ve tried satin as a final coat and it tends to fog the decals on parts of clear I put the decals on last.
heywooood11-Feb-25 10:50
What I have learned is that decals are best applied over gloss paint, so if the aircraft is painted in matte finish -like a camouflage scheme - I give the model a gloss clear coat, let it dry for a day, then apply the decals, then return with a matte or semi-gloss top coat. Applying most water transfer decals over a matte finish can lead to problems where the decals ‘silver’ or lack proper adhesion to your model. Even with these dry transfer style decals from Callie I wouldn’t try to use them on a matte or rough surface.
BriandKilby11-Feb-25 16:24
Thanks heywood, do you use that Imgur site? I don’t know if I want to get into a social site to edite pictures. What do you think? Brian.
heywooood11-Feb-25 17:04
you don't have to participate in any of that social media stuff they do - just upload and download your pictures, resize, edit, crop - whatever you usually do. And it's free and private unless you want to share them. I use Imgur for all of this stuff ever since photobucket went to payware
bobgood11-Feb-25 19:26
This is perfection!
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