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Scratch Built Curtiss P6E by hjlittman. Viewed 1942 times.
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hjlittman09-Apr-10 14:21
Laser cut version is coming along too.
jgood09-Apr-10 14:48
This is looking amazing, Howard. I'd be very proud of this. Who are you using for the laser cutting? And what CAD program are you using?
hjlittman09-Apr-10 15:00
The program is a vector drawing program called "Inkscape" that I have on my SuSE Linux box. The laser cutting is being done by the company that I designed it for. Let's just say I am no longer in the accounting software business.
SteveM09-Apr-10 17:26
I take it this will be out in kit form at some point? If so please lets us know when you are able to say so we can get one too.
hjlittman09-Apr-10 17:42
There are no hard and fast production plans for this model,. I did it as a proof of capability demonstrator which got me a couple of other projects that definitely will go into production.. However, the Hawk may be released as a limited production kit. I will let everyone know if it does and how to get one. Just for size reference it has a 24 inch wing span.
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