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Guillows Series 500 - Hellcat by mlriley540. Viewed 1503 times.
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mlriley54021-Jun-16 21:35
Current condition, after having it's best flight so far.
mlriley54021-Jun-16 21:38
Best Flight: Started with a level toss and then transitioned into a shallow climb and then rotated left due to torque, which lead to a very modest stall and recovery and then more level fast flight until the power ran out, followed by a safe glide. Had 275-300 winds on the motor.
Skyediamonds198521-Jun-16 23:51
Congratulations on your successful flights. Takes courage to fly something that beautiful.
mlriley54005-Jul-16 21:59
I added a trim tab to reduce the effects of torque. Since then I've had some really nice flights with 275-300 winds. It is capable of flying straight and level if the air is calm. The tab really helped.
mlriley54010-Jul-16 01:21
Had 3 good flights tonight, each about 300 winds. I might try a stronger motor next.
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