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Aero-Werkes DPCM 119 BE2e by LASTWOODSMAN. Viewed 372 times.
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LASTWOODSMAN04-Mar-17 21:37
Here is a better pic of the Instrument Panels for my two seater BE2e.
LASTWOODSMAN04-Mar-17 21:39
My brain is starting to sizzle from all of this file management I have to learn.
rgood05-Mar-17 13:33
Hi Lastwoodsman - very nice panel rendition there but forgive me if I say that they look very 1930's 1940's to me. The instruments would not, I believe, be found in an aeroplane of the second decade of the 20th century! A little more research needed there.
biplane guy05-Mar-17 16:21
I saw another pic online that may be of an updated instrument panel for the BE2e. Here's the link: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn-www.airliners.net%2Faviation-photos%2Fphotos%2F7%2F8%2F2%2F1459287.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F355151120598282966%2F&docid=NNa54rkP94_CtM&tbnid=BrITO8sDnxZAnM%3A&vet=1&w=1200&h=812&itg=1&client=safari&bih=756&biw=1387&q=BE2e%20aircraft%20instrument%20panel%20pics&ved=0ahUKEwj3_cndr8DSAhWoxlQKHftgBtUQMwhcKDYwNg&iact=mrc&uact=8
LASTWOODSMAN05-Mar-17 18:24
Thanks for the info and correction fellas - I will check it out after I run my dog - I was taken by the wood colored dashboard ...
LASTWOODSMAN05-Mar-17 19:48
Yeah, it is a Tiger Moth IP, as I can see from Biplane's link to the Pinterest pic - Biplane - must one give their e-mail address to Pinterest, in order to look at their pics? - or not? I'm leery about giving my e-mail address out.
LASTWOODSMAN05-Mar-17 21:49
Well, this computer newbie cannot find, anywhere, a straight-on color pic of a BE2e IP. I'll just have to eat "humble pie" until I can find one to glue over the Tiger Moth IPs.
biplane guy06-Mar-17 07:11
Hey LW, no, you don't need to give your email address to Pinterest to view pictures. I just did a Google search for "BE2e instrument panel" and it popped right up. I was lucky to find a straight-on color pic for my Tiger Moth, if I find something you can use I'll post it.
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