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Scratch Built Dewoitine D.520 by mlriley540. Viewed 908 times.
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mlriley54004-Oct-17 19:30
I just did a few 50-60 wind flights in my yard, hit the sidewalk once but just a small scuff that I fixed.
Don C05-Oct-17 11:39
Good looking and flies too. What more can you ask for?
mlriley54005-Oct-17 19:27
Rainy today, will have to wait to see how well it really flies. I can say it glides OK. The tail is over-scale but doesn't look it.
LASTWOODSMAN05-Oct-17 20:27
mlriley - this Free Flight business just sucks you in deeper and deeper into this aspect of aero-modeling. So much to learn and know - something about the elemental beauty when they fly off into the blue all on their own, that satisfies the spirit - a very addicting and all consuming obsession ...
mlriley54005-Oct-17 22:25
I definitely learn more every model. I do like the flying aspect.
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